Suspect made a spontaneous statement that he modified the BB gun to look real he was charged 20150(A) PC (Alter Imitation Gun), 20170(A) PC (Display Imitation Gun) and 11377(A) HS. The owner of the horse took care of the clean-up. The driver refused a PAS and was arrested for 23152(A) VC. The subject was wearing a a very distinctive backpack, grey zip-up sweater, and blue jeans. : Officers were called to the above location after an employee at Golden State Water Co. was shot at with a pellet gun by 3-4 mbj subjects in a small black colored compact vehicle. During a search of the apartment officers located the knife and the broom stick as evidence. When Ofc. On 1-20-20 victim was in the above parking lot when he was attacked by a subject that came up from behind. The male half had an outstanding felony warrant. Officers met the subject at the work site and showed him the picture. This was not a random incident. He was arrested for being a felon in possession of a firearm, and drug related charges. A subsequent investigation determined the duo has been targeting storage units as their primary source of income. The subject was challenged and proned himself out until a contact team could be put together and the rear fence cut open. Officers located the wanted person attempting to conceal himself in the backseat. 19-367980 / 459 / 3600 block Trefethan Way / 1A / 0555 Hrs. 19-414599 Grand Ave / Huron St TSTOP 0314 Hrs 2A. Officers did a good job conducting follow up and obtained surveillance video of the suspect vehicle and driver. Officer responded to where the (V) had been picked up by fire and spoke to other transients camping there ; N/E corner empty lot Beaumont and Arden. During the stop, officers identified both the driver and passenger of the vehicle where the passenger returned with a felony no bail warrant for 245(a)(1) PC. The passenger was determined to be the person on the ID and not who he said he was. 19-365013 / 3200 block Ballena Bay Rd (W. Sac) / 245r / 0216 hrs. 19-335476 / 0600 / 300 block Leitch Av / 2B / Search Warrant / 9 Guns located / Cultivation of Marijuana / Power theft / Unsafe Building Posted /. 1B/South Natomas/3291 Truxel Road #24-(Round Table)/245T-(Shooting)/1158 hours/19-150551. During a search of suspects room, officers located another 3 oz brick of cocaine, 10 grams of methamphetamine, 1 pound of psycadellic mushrooms, 20 tablets of Xanax, 10 doses of ecstasy, and $3100 in cash. Officers responded to reports of a female breaking a window of the business and attempting to enter. Once detained, he advised that he was on PRCS probation but claimed he had no gun. The victims and suspects were all GSRd. Impact officers cited two individuals for 374.7 PC. The victim was transported to the hospital in critical condition. 20-22624 Attempt P/U 4200 block EL Centro road #1124/ 1A 1859hours. While en-route, officers were advised that the passenger was now shooting at the victims. Pullen yesterday (Case #19-93245). One was wearing a blue bandana over his face, black sweatshirt, black handgun. Prahl (Beat3) got behind the vehicle and initiated a pursuit. Officers contacted a 971 parked on private property at the corner of Los Robles/ Marysville. Based on the possibility of the victim still being inside the house we forced entry. Shortly thereafter, we received information from the (Vs) that their credit card was being used at the Apple store at Arden Mall. 19-322378 / 981 / 2000 block W EL Camino Ave / 2022 hours / 1B. The driver was ultimately arrested for 10851 VC. The victim knows one of the suspects by a nickname and can ID both of them. A MHA and FHA were detained. The caller stated that they did not see anyone outside when they returned home, but had noticed that several vehicles had been vandalized in the area. The suspect then began driving on the shoulder of the freeway over 100 MPH. They attempted to contact him and he began furiously peddling to get away but somehow missed the new crossover Subaru sport wagon parked alongside the curb line and sideswiped the vehicle, falling to the ground. Once enough units were on scene, suspects were safely taken into custody. NGET units and 2 K9s assisted inconducting a surround and callout, and got (S) outside and detained without incident. Officers did an Attempt pick up on the above residence for a suspect on Saturday. Due to the great effort of officers on scene, the crowd quickly realized that they were ready to leave and dispersed. Suspected threatened employee that he had a gun in his backpack, but no gun seen. One of the subjects threw a handgun into the bushes when they saw the officers. North Natomas Discover a selection of 34 vacation rentals in North Natomas, Sacramento that are perfect for your trip. Gray located the vehicle at a car wash at 3214 Northgate Blvd. After working with detectives, Officer conducted a probation search of the subjects residence (a tent down by the river) and located fruits and instrumentalities of criminal enterprise. The other juvenile was also detained. During the search officers located a .357 revolver, unregistered .45 Glock 39, ammo, and about 25 pound of processed marijuana. DUI36 responded to assist. The driver and passenger were identified in the vehicle. Upon detaining both subjects, officers located a black/silver .380 Taurus handgun inside the vehicle. Excellent coordinated effort by GET officers and D2 patrol. 19-376955 / 927r / 1700 block Capital Park Dr/ 2014 hours / 1B. 19-413925 / 502 / 2200 block Able Way / 1A / 1321 Hrs. The R/P described the handguns very well leading the officers to believe that she was being truthful and knew how people move around when putting a gun in their waistband. With the assistance of Air23, K95 was directed to the subjects location along Fong Ranch Rd. / 2C. 19-234374 / 3301 Arena Blvd / 921s / 0724 hrs. Officers searched the area where STAR saw the subject discard a back pack. 19-75824 / Felony Assault / Colfax St and Arden Way2226 Hrs / Old North Sacramento (2C)The suspect had a minor fender bender with the victim, who was on a motorcycle. Officers were in foot pursuit until the subject got to a fence he could not climb. Upon his return he discovered his vehicle had been 459 and his .40 cal semi-auto pistol had been stolen. A 245 report was generated. Officers facilitated the documentation, and served all 3 subjects. Officer conducted a traffic stop for an equipment violation. AIR 1 and STAR were both up. An alert citizen noticed a suspicious occupied vehicle in the neighborhood with the occupants sitting in the vehicle looking around. : Comp called PD when a vehicle drove up onto the sidewalk, causing a flat tire, and when the driver exited he wasnt able to walk straight. A grey 2010-2013 Chevy Impala pulled up next to the victim. He was transported to the hospital and stabilized. Sacramento police officers were investigating a shooting Friday afternoon after a driver was found wounded following a single-car crash in the North Natomas area. Intial officers arrived on scene and attempted to detain the MWA, he continued fighting. He was arrested. / 2C. Officers in District 5 subsequently detained one subject who was in possession of the key to the vehicle. Auto theft was advised of this call. Suspect 2-Unknown male, black clothing. A MBA in his mid twenties with a neon shirt was standing near the rear door of a grayAcura. -Speed enforcement Del Paso Rd at Blackrock (Community), -Stop sign enforcement at Pebblewood and Azevedo (Sgt. The females followed the complainant down the street and then started to physically attack her. She was collared without incident. Officer Jarvis was driving (tac gear/unmarked) SB Norwood Ave when he on viewed a 505 driving at a high rate of speed and swerving in and out of traffic. Some of the items are personalized and distinct. SSD was contacted andresponded,took custody of the subj for further investigation. The complainant called in advising that an unknown subject was inside her house fighting with her husband. He was a recently discharged parolee who had narcotics in his possession. While on a call for service of a subject who had been walking on the roof of a building with what the comp believed was a handgun Officers observed a male riding a bike nearby who matched the description. The vehicle fled from Milipitas PD a day earlier following the robbery. The suspecthad methamphetamine and yellowgloves in his possession. She was detained without incident and booked into jail for her parole violation warrant. Upon officers arrival they observed a large MBA in front of his house with a machete that he was holding at his own neck. The suspect saw that the victim and officers had seen him and took off running. Life saving efforts were applied and Fire/Med were directed to take over. Officers followed and conducted a stop in the county. The suspect punched the subject and demanded his keys. Officers did an outstanding job of de-escalating the situation,father eventually complied with commands and was taken into custody without incident. AIR23 was on-scene shortly after the shooting and tracked down a similar looking vehicle, but turned out not to be the suspect vehicle. He was taken into custody without incident. Officers arrived on scene and were told by the parents that their son had been acting delusional. Suspects were booked on a variety of charges. Once he climbed back over the fence he was detained without incident and transported to the hospital for a 5150 evaluation. Dispatch was unable to locate any MP reports matching the subject. He took the information and organized a probation search with Team 2 officersat the suspects residence on Santiago Ave. (vision zero identified corridor), -Speed enforcement on Del Paso Blvd between Marconi and Marysville. Per the female victim, a black firearm with a red laser was brandished at the building. 1C / Felony DUI / Northgate & Harding / 1722 hours / 19-88972A solo vehicle struck a SMUD pole. : Ofc. : Comp was at a car wash when a subject in a vehicle next to her brandished a handgun. The driver was discovered to have one of the pill capsules filled with powder cocaine in his possession. Officer was in the area and broadcast the description. However, they could see that the subjects were putting something into their waistbands. A short while later, as the victim was putting an item back on a shelf, the suspect rolled up on her, and as she turned around, she observed the suspect holding his cell phone under her knee length dress. The pedestrian was transported to UCD for treatment. The male was arrested for his PAL warrant and transported to jail. North Natomas has been part of those crime decreases as well. While officers were enroute, a neighbor called in to report a 415 between a male and female and stated that its been on-going for almost an hour. 100+yards of debris collected. Officer was hailed by a citizen stating that a green Dodge Durango had just hit a couple of parked cars and took off. Units arrived and determined the suspect(s) broke the window and removed a computer from outside. The driver was able to gain traction and re-entered the freeway striking Officer Murchies vehicle and continuing onto Garden Highway. The subject had been texting the wife suicidal statements and the complainant received information that the subject may have armed himself. As a result of the collision, the vehicles gas tank leaked gas all over the road and into the storm drain. 20-120266: 664/187pc: 3200 block Northgate Blvd: 1813hrs. Once it was determined that the victim was in stable condition, two witnesses who had voluntarily remained on scene,IDd the suspect in field show-ups. He was transported to UCD. When officers arrived SFD was on scene extinguishing multiple small fires that suspect set, including mattresses, garbage, and vegetation. Officers conducted a search of the residence and located a loaded, stolen, .357 revolver in the undercarriage of Daniels vehicle. In amirandized statement the suspect admitted to five (5) burglaries. (S) Nathaniel Calloway MBA55 had come in earlier and stolen a single item. He was wearing the clothing seen in the video surveillance. 19-417726 / 2500 New Market Dr (Inderkum HS) 1A / 459 / 807 hrs. Officers located the vehicle stopped in front of 3732 Ripley. The passenger was released to his mother. After letting his passenger off, the driver continued to SB I-5 at Garden Highway where officers attempted to PIT his vehicle at slow speed (20 MPH). Within a few minutes of the accident, a brown Chevy truck (CA 99685W1) stopped and picked up the rider and took off. Officers made contact with a subject at the residence who stated he was just letting the guys hang out but really doesnt know them. Today, NPOP continued follow-up from that call and were able to work with Amazon regarding the theft. One of the suspects left a cell phone at the scene. Officers located the victim and victim vehicle at the apartment complex (953 North Av). Officers went to the location. The ex-boyfried threatened to assault them, police were called but no report taken. 20-35087 1600 block Arden Way POD 1357 hours 2C. 19-234157/ 459/ 2921 Advantage Way / 1A/ 2046 hrs. 19-344983 / Subj Stop / 840 El Camino Ave / 2C / 2010 hrs. Gray located the vehicle at a car wash at 3214 Northgate Blvd. Arden Security identified (Ss) as a MBA/FBA, in a silver 2000s Toyota 4d w/paper plates. General enforcement around 2400 Del Paso Blvd. The victim described the suspect as: Male black, 30s, bald head wearing a blue shirt & red shorts. The driver, Raul Garcia (MHA) matched the description of suspect with the gun. A total of 9 victim vehicles were found and a residential fence. 19-385273/ 901a/ Rio Linda Bl-Phillipi Wy/ 1832 hrs/ 2A. 19-125606 / 211 @ gunpoint / 2762 Rio Linda Blvd / 1901 hours. A little after 1000 hours, K913 (Josh Smith & K9 partner Kai), located the vehicle mapping at Response Road & Point West Way with a nine bar activation. A records check showed the firearm had been reported stolen. The vehicle has been entered into the LEARN system. The assistance from the SWAT team and K9 Ofc. Officers contacted subject in the lot of the Chevron station where he was detained without incident. Please remember to slow down in school zones!*. A M/B/A, mid 20s wearing a red/black jacket, black pants and a black mask entered the store and said he had a gun. Today in roll call, NCU Sgt. This is the same Shaquay White who has called 911 176 times since 3/30/19 and has been arrested once already for abuse of 911. The group attempted to set up a side show at the above address as well as 4710 Natomas Blvd. The driver climbed out of the vehicle as it became filled with smoke and attempted to flee toward a house on foot. Early on during the call, multiple disturbances and fights broke out at the Quickstop across the street as neighborhood residents found out about the incident. Officers responded to Arden Fair mall for a report of a subject running in the parking lot with a handgun. The callers advised that he was the ex-husband of one of the residents and was angrily banging the gun on the steering wheel. As a car approached the subj, hestood in the street in front of the car. The driver, an adult, was booked at jail while the passenger, a juvenile, was cited and released to his mother. When the officers arrived they were able to determine that the suspect was known to the victim and IDd him. A few of the juveniles were detained and it was discovered that the kids were from Eleanor Hickey HS in the County. We have had reports of 8-10 vehicles being broken into at a time. Officers observed a vehicle driving at a very high rate of speed NB on Natomas Bl, they attempted to affect a traffic stop with lights and sirens but the driver did not yield immediately. Upon arrival, SFD transported two subjects to the hospital. Officers received a bait bike activation at the above location. With the assistance of Arden Mall Security and SSD STAR, the two subjects were tracked through the mall as additional units responded. They located 2 additional victims and completed and APB to be disseminated along the I-80 corridor. A short foot pursuit followed and Pellandini was taken into custody without further incident. Officer Tsverov observed a white Ford Expedition traveling at a high rate of speed on Grand near May St. Maclean was able to locate the car a short time later and it immediately turned into a pursuit. Late Watch Officer Macclean (1A26) observed a White Honda Accord (#7HJK173) driving erratically and attempted to stop it. Officer was in the area and broadcast the description. Owner found the back office secured from the inside using electric cord. Officers responded to the above location after receiving a call that someone had just crashed into her vehicle and male is walking off on foot. Officer Wollman and CSO Diamonte responded to a report regarding a robbery that had occurred two days ago at 2101 Club Center Drive. All Officers, CSOs, and CSI on the call did a great job containing the two large scenes, collecting evidence, and thoroughly investigating the incident. Suspects then rummaged one of the bedrooms taking a small amount of cash and took a couple of bottles of alcohol before leaving the scene. Two suspects (MWA, FWA) were in the process of removing items from the victims truck and putting them into their parked vehicle. At approx. Additionally, their car had broken down and was not operational. CSI responded to print the jewelry cabinets that were tampered with and the exit fire escape door. Investigation by North-GET Shot-Spotter officers. Upon arrival R/Os contacted the comp who advised he came to the bank in order to sell a Rolex he posted for sale on craigslist. Officers responded to the Department store in response to community complaints of multiple transient subjects setting up camp inside the parking lot. : 1423hrs. Both happened around 11 p.m. and police . 19-214701/ 245/ 3561 Truxel Rd/ 1A/ 0005 hrs. A felony stop was made at 2500 block Del Paso Blvd. Officers initially checked the area and were UTL. Ofc. 19-333827/215 REC/ El Camino and Moretti/ UI/ 2347 hrs. 19-377144 / 921p / 2600 block River Plaza Dr / 0131 hours / 1B(RELATED TO RECENT CAR BURGLARY SPREES). The suspect was arrested. Officers arrived to about 100 people leaving a party. A search of the subject revealed a can of mace pepper spray and a small bag of methamphetamines. He was taken into custody without incident. The subject went around the vehicle and entered into the side door. Several attempts to call the suspect out were unsuccessful. The driver was determined to be a PRCS fugitive with an extensive history. Officer and trainee were parked near Dry Creek and South watching the intersection when they observed a white Ford F350 driving at a high rate of speed southbound on Dry Creek. The community known as 'The Hamptons' in North Natomas has installed seven license plate readers at all of the main entrances into the neighborhood in hopes of making their community a safer. The manager was contacted and advised. SPD responded to Ainger Cir regarding eight gunshots in the area. Per a records check, the subject had 2 warrants for $50,000 and was taken to jail. Arson Investigator requested SPD respond for a destructive device at the location. : While on patrol in search of a stabbing suspect, Officers located a parked vehicle. The driver unsuccessfully attempted to negotiate the Sconce / Olmstead turn, and 901d (no injuries) into a fence. Inside the car, officers observed a revolver in a black holster shoved into the backrest of the passenger seat just as a driver would do to conceal it from his position. Another witness observed a silver sedan leaving the scene behind a dark colored Infiniti. Today, Ofc. The case is being investigated by NCU. Outstanding follow-up by POP. 19-413014 / 921R / 500 block Wapello Cir / 1A / 0450 Hrs. He was taken to the hospital for a 5150 evaluation and animal control took custody of the dogs. Officers responded to the scene and contacted the victim at his car. The suspect was detained and arrested without incident. : Officers were alerted to a stolen vehicle going N/B on Northgate through a POD. The phone was laying on the counter and video confirmed who had taken it. Officers towed 4 vehicles. Suspect XXXx, F/S Prob, lengthy 459 arrest history. As north area officers began to secure the homicide scene at San Juan Dr / Truxel Rd (referenced above), they were getting information from witnesses that subjects were seen fleeing eastbound on San Juan Rd. The suspect(s) immediately fled once they realized that the home was occupied. One suspect was transported to the hospital for a prior laceration to his hand. 20-129631 / TSTOP / Norwood/Las Palmas / 2B / 0848 Hrs. The suspects took the victims wallet, cell-phone, and marijuana. Life saving measures were immediately started on both subjects. The subjects were detained. The wife advised that her husband was intoxicated and that he may be asleep on the couch. The subjects that we had detained were interviewed and GSR was tested. The victim was able to drive away and go to her home in West Sacramento where she eventually called the police. 19-238156 / 459t / 4271 Truxel Rd / 1A / 0154hrs. 19-323138 / Gun Arrest-TSTOP / Arcade Blvd & Marysville Blvd / 1444 hrs / 2B: During a traffic stop and search of the vehicle, officers located a firearm. Officers canvassed the immediate area with negative results of witnesses and/or surveillance video. Breaking the glass, 2 of the suspects entered the business with a box in hand. Units arrived on scene and located two MBA victims in the parking lot. Milpitas PD was advised we had (S)in custody. There was a strong odor of marijuana coming from the vehicle and plastic bags in plain view with marijuana inside of them. Officers detained two other male residents at the door. James checked the fence line, he located subject, Andre Smith (x-4795929) trying to hide in the bushes. Officer James received an award for his numerous DUI arrests over the last year. An enforcement stop was conducted and the passenger of the vehicle was found to have two felony no bail warrants and arrested. Violent Crimes Calculated annually per 100,000 residents National Assault 347.1 282.7 Murder 0 6.1 Rape 40.7 Robbery 251.5 135.5 Property Crimes Calculated annually per 100,000 residents National Burglary 757.8 500.1 Theft 461.7 2,042.8 At that time, the pursuit was cancelled. Officers responded to 7-Eleven re:927 subj who, according to7-Eleven employee matched description of211 suspect from the 7-Eleven on Watt / Myrtle from 12/18. Both units re-acquired the 503 and the pursuit continued W/B 80 and then N/B I-5 into Sutter County. Suspect then took two (2) bottles of wine, then attempted to take the cash register. The keys had been obtained from a vehicle burglary in which the suspect(s) had returned and taken the car this morning. 19-78146 / Occupied Stolen Vehicle / Marysville Blvd and Claire Ave0043 Hrs / 2AOfficer Hastings was patrolling in the north area when he located a stolen vehicle that had recently gone through a POD. Officers observed a # of subjs loitering on the above corner. The male was arrested and booked without incident. A private security guard making rounds, observed a 927 subj on a bike in the rear parking lot of the apartment complex. When the homeowner confronted the suspect, he threatened him with a knife and fled from the residence. At some point the suspect stabbed the victim on his left arm. Officers arrived on scene along with SFD. Comp called back in stating that he now sees the suspect who shot at him walking E/B Arden towards Ethan Wy passing the Jareds Jewelry store. Security located the vehicle with their cameras on the 2nd story parking garage behind Macys. : Officers contacted two subjects in a vehicle at the above location. The son repeatedly cut himself on both arms and then his neck causing bleeding. The comp advised he had just left a soccer game earlier in the night when he came to a stop at a stop light. He went straight to the rack of pre-paid cell phones and ripped 3 out of the locking hanger as an LPO came towards him.